Aug 21, 2007

JMeter HTTPClient HTTP sample might be the reason of jmeter crash

As statement in some document that HTTPClient HTTP sample is more stable than simple HTTP sample, but it might also be the reason why jmeter crash since HTTPClient HTTP sample log too many messages in jmeter.log like below,

2007/08/20 16:05:35 INFO - org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled

In this case have to change back to simple HTTP sample:(

Jul 26, 2007

MS-DOS Batch Script Tips

Never suppose to write windows bat file. But when recently try it, even it really ugly comparing with unix shell scripts, still something interesting to learn and enjoy:)

rem setlocal not to impact environment variables

rem get current disk driver and directory in case needed resources in specific location
set workDriver=%~d0
set workPath=%~p0
cd %workPath%

rem call some command/executed program here
rem then check ERRORLEVEL for error handling
if ERRORLEVEL 1 (set errorCode=1
rem change color for warning and fun :)
color 4e
echo Error encounter!
color 0f
goto error)

Useful link:
Batch File Command Reference for Windows 2000
MS-DOS/MSDOS Batch Files: Batch File Tutorial and Reference

Jul 12, 2007

Jmeter: Summary Report vs Aggregate Report

When using Aggregate Report listener in Jmeter script, the memory usage will increase linearly with the number of total samples grow. Which might be the biggest reason JMeter got out of memory for long period run. Reason is,

Warning in Aggregate Report help: "Calculation of the Median and 90% Line values requires a lot of memory as details of every Sample have to be saved. See the Summary Report for a similar Listener that does not need so much memory."

So use Aggregate Report only when you care Median and 90% Line values. But what Median, do you really care it, good explanation is here.

Jul 11, 2007

JMeter: BeanShell Example

For example, I need to handle number's get from web page which is return by HTTP Request Sampler. It's hard to get the number string directly from ResponseData sometime, just use a "Regular Expression Extractor" and store it to a temp variable, say _tmpAmount, then,


String amountString = vars.get("_tmpAmount");
int amount = Integer.valueOf(amountString).intValue();

int minAmount = 10;

if (amount > minAmount) {
vars.put("_finalAmount", Integer.toString(minAmount));
} else {
Failure = true;
ErrorMessage = "Must has at least " + minAmount + " in original account!";

Jul 10, 2007

JMeter: Dynamic SOAP XML data of WebService(SOAP) Request

SOAP XML data of WebService(SOAP) Request could be set by,

a). "Soap/XML-RPC Data" text field directly or
b). reading from file or
c). randomly picking up from directory when data files stored.

When want to send dynamic soap xml data, say different user name, method a) doesn't work since it's hard coded; method c) works here as long as we generate the data files in advance.

How about method b)? It looks more neat, at least for me:) But how?

The way I could think about is using a Java Request before each WebService(SOAP) Request. In the Java Request, just use simple BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("soapDataFile")) to generate the soap xml file which includes the dynamic user name variable read from user file. Since the xml is not complex, just regard it as text file, no bother to use the more professional heavy XML processing method like How to Read and Write RSS Feeds (Linked here just in case)

JMeter: BeanShell Usage

With JMeter, sometimes we need run to later samplers based on response from previous samplers to provide scripts' flexibilities.

Normally "Regular Expression Extractor" could get expected value from sampler response;

Otherwise we might need to use __BeanShell(), __javaScript() (examples) with the help of JMeter's "Options | Function Help Dialog";

For more complex cases, we might have to use "BeanShell Assertion"; How to debug it? Refer to BeanShell Manual and try it in BeanShell Desktop window before copy it to your "BeanShell Assertion". Where to start BeanShell Desktop? Download it from and save it to your jmeter_home/lib, just double-click bsh*.jar and play. Enjoy it:)

JMeter: HTTP Proxy Server doesn't support HTTPSampler2

In current JMeter version 2.2, in's "JMeter Proxy recorder configuration" section, "Change the default HTTP Sampler" by removing "#" from line jmeter.httpsampler=HTTPSampler2, the HTTP Proxy Server supposed to recording the HTTP sampler by using HTTPSampler2, i.e. HTTPClient HttpSampler.

But unfortunately, we will got "ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.Proxy: java.lang.NullPointerException" in jmeter.log and gateway timeout in browser. By checking we could know, it's still not supported:(

Jul 9, 2007

OCR in TestComplete

OCR which might be the last choice for identify object/text in screen in TestComplete.

Open OCR sample at,

C:\Program Files\Automated QA\TestComplete 5\Samples\Scripts\OCR\OCR.pjs

Just run it.

There are 2 parts of code, but below is the key point,

TextToFind = "E-mail";

Pic = wOfficeListBox.Picture(0, 0, wOfficeListBox.Width, wOfficeListBox.Height, false);

OCRObjList = OCR.CreateObject(Pic);

FindRes = OCRObjList.FindRectByText(TextToFind);

The only part you need to replace is Pic = wOfficeListBox.Picture(0, 0, wOfficeListBox.Width, wOfficeListBox.Height, false);

You could use the way in this sample if you could get the object, otherwise you could always use Sys.Desktop.ActiveWindow() to get the window snapshot and specify the coordinates of the area you care, and do the OCR, the recognition speed is good.

And check TestComplete Help for topic “Recognition Tips” to know which area is better for your case.

TestComplete Notes: big page handling & memory saving tips

1. Method to identify big page

var childNum = doc.ChildCount;

if (childNum > 13000 || childNum == 0) {

Log.Warning("Can not handle too large page!");

return null;


2. Release no use memory for browser and TestComplete

Based on information at,

minimize then maximize window could force process to release the no used memory, code for IE is as below:

// to release memory of browser

var browerWindow = windowPage.Parent;

while (! BuiltIn.IsSupported(browerWindow, "Minimize")) {

browerWindow = browerWindow.Parent;




// to release memory of TC

Sys.Process("TestComplete").Window("TfrmTCMainForm", "*", 1).Activate();

Sys.Process("TestComplete").Window("TfrmTCMainForm", "*", 1).Minimize();

Sys.Process("TestComplete").Window("TfrmTCMainForm", "*", 1).Maximize();

you could do above at your threshold by checking Sys.Process("TestComplete").MemUsage

But for FireFox, to release the memory, we are not lucky. We have to use task manager to minimize and maximize it. In addition, we also have to turn on MSAA and hard code like below,

function _releaseFFMemory()


var p1;

var w1;

var w2;

p1 = Sys.Process("Explorer");

p1.Window("Shell_TrayWnd").Window("Button", "start").btn_Start.Click();

p1.Window("DV2ControlHost", "Start Menu").Window("DesktopSFTBarHost", "", 2).Window("SysListView32").mi_Run.Click();

p1.Window("#32770", "Run").Window("ComboBox").Window("Edit").Keys("taskmgr[Enter]");

p1 = Sys.Process("taskmgr");

w1 = p1.Window("#32770", "Windows Task Manager");

w2 = w1.Window("SysTabControl32", "Tab1");


w2 = w1.Window("#32770", "", 1).Window("SysListView32", "Tasks").list_item_Bookie_Home_Page_Mozilla_Firefox;







3. Use as little memory as possible

Tips from the same message board and my experiences,

1) Log message only when needed;

2) Turn on auto-save log: Options | Engines | Log and set the auto-save interval. This will flush the log to disk every x number of minutes. (better performance, not sure if help reduce memory usage)

3) Store screenshots in PNG format instead of BMP format.

4) Call the Log.LockEvents method to prevent TestComplete from posting event messages; And call Log.UnlockEvents when you need it. If you never care event messages even when you got warning or error, use Log.LockEvents(0).

Jul 4, 2007

JMeter: Recommend using HTTP Request HTTPClient

Use HTTP Request HTTPClient instead of the normal HTTP Request Sampler in JMeter for load test. There is a known limitation for the latter because it uses the default and connections which do not scale well in long running tests. The HTTPclient sampler on the other hand uses the Jakarta HttpClient library which is more efficient and stable.

By checking HTTPSampler2 source code which is for HTTPClient HttpSampler in package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler, we could find more checks/controls than normal HttpSampler in same package. Even we don’t care the detailsJ

Conclusion: use HTTPClient HttpSampler but not normal one. They have the exact same GUI.

Coding/Debuging Hessian Service with JMeter in Eclipse

1. What is needed,

* Eclipse SDK
* JMeter
* Java Hessian library
* The testing service's interface(s) and related classes (such as exceptions, DTOs etc)

2. Write the Java Request Sample driver code

* Create a class that extends

There are 4 methods that need to override:

1) getDefaultParameters()

This method is where you set parameters that you would like to get in JMeter Java Reqeust GUI. You do this by instantiating a org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments and calling its addArgument method for each parameter. For example:

public Arguments getDefaultParameters() {
Arguments args = new Arguments();
args.addArgument("Service URL", "");
args.addArgument("User Name", "");
args.addArgument("Password", "");
return args;

2) setupTest()

Where you do any initialization (only once per thread) such as reading in the parameters, creating the Hessian proxy, etc. For example:

public void setupTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
url = context.getParameter("Service URL");
try {
mySvc = (mySvcClassName)
proxyFactory.create(mySvcClassName.class, url);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error getting hessian proxy", e);

3) runTest()

JMeter will invoke it for each iteration of the test. This is where you would put code that invokes the service's methods and evaluate its result. The method returns a "org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult" object which is what you use to communicate the results to JMeter. For example:

public SampleResult runTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
SampleResult result = new SampleResult();
result.setSampleLabel("Call Hessian SVC");
try {
String custId = mySvc.authenticate(context.getParameter("User Name"), context.getParameter("Password"));
if (custId == null) {
result.setResponseMessage("user authentication failed");
result.setResponseData("Returned customer id is null".getBytes());
else {
result.setResponseMessage("Authentication successful");
result.setResponseData(("customer id: " + custId).getBytes());
catch (Throwable e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
result.setResponseMessage("Unexpected exception");

return result;

In the example above, the method setSuccessful indicates if the test passed or failed. The setting of the responseData is used for displaying whatever information you want in the response data tab of JMeter's "View Results Tree" listener.

4) teardownTest()

Where you do cleanup. Typically there is nothing you need to do here.

3. Create/Copy needed jars to JMeter lib

Create ("Export | Java | Jar file") a jar file that includes the class you wrote above and together with jar(s) of the interface (and related classes) of the service you want to test. Put these jars file in your JMeter's lib/ext folder.
And copy the Hessian jar file and any other helper jar files (eg. database jars) you need under JMeter's lib or lib/ext folder.

4. Debugging Java Request Sample driver code in Eclipse

1) Add external JMeter jar ApacheJMeter_core.jar, ApacheJMeter_java.jar under jmeter_home/lib/ext/ and hessian-3.0.17.jar to current project build path; And add other jars as needed;

2) Browse into ApacheJMeter_core.jar: "org.apache.jmeter | NewDriver.class", right-click and select "Debug As | Debug...", on right panel,

a) In tab "Arguments" change "Working directory" from default to jmeter_home/bin/;
b) In tab "Classpath | User Entries", remove default classpath, and add "Add External JARs..." jmeter_home/bin/ApacheJMeter.jar;
c) "Apply" to save the setting

3) Click Debug/Run on Eclipse toolbar to debug/run JMeter from Eclipse

4) When "Source not found", click "Edit Source Lookup Path... | Add... | Java Project", select the project which contain your code

Additionally: Want to see JMeter code during debug, just download the source from, unzip it and add source of the jmeter source directory and check true of "Search subfolders" :-)

5. Run in JMeter without Eclipse

* Copy the service api and test JARs from above to JMeter's lib or lib/ext
* Launch JMeter
* Add a "Thread Group" under "Test Plan"
* "Add >> Sampler >> Java Request" to the Thread Group
* On the right-hand Java Request panel, select your class in the drop-down java classname list
* In "Send Parameters with Request", supply the appropriate values for the parameters you've specified in the "getDefaultParameters" method of your class
* "Add >> Listener >> Summary Report" to the Thread Group
* "Add >> Listener >> View Results Tree" to the Thread Group
* "Run >> Start".
* Select the Summary Report node in the test plan to see statistics on the run.
* Select the View Results Tree node to see the result of each execution. This is where you'll see any data you've set in the responseData within your runTest method. In above example: customer id.

Jun 12, 2007

All About JMeter

"Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions."

Useful Links:

Apache JMeter Wiki

JMeter Tutorial@InformIT:
# Recording Web Requests Using the HTTP Proxy Server
# ExpandAdvanced Proxy Server Configuration
# ExpandTesting with Dynamic Data
# ExpandDistributed Load Testing

Nabble - JMeter Forum

JMeter User Group


在 JMeter 压力测试工具中使用变量

在 JMeter 压力测试工具中使用函数(Function)

使用 JMeter 完成常用的压力测试
