Jul 10, 2007

JMeter: HTTP Proxy Server doesn't support HTTPSampler2

In current JMeter version 2.2, in jmeter.properties's "JMeter Proxy recorder configuration" section, "Change the default HTTP Sampler" by removing "#" from line jmeter.httpsampler=HTTPSampler2, the HTTP Proxy Server supposed to recording the HTTP sampler by using HTTPSampler2, i.e. HTTPClient HttpSampler.

But unfortunately, we will got "ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.Proxy: java.lang.NullPointerException" in jmeter.log and gateway timeout in browser. By checking http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.jakarta.jmeter.user/14834/match=jmeter+protocol+http+proxy+java+lang+nullpointerexception+httpsampler2 we could know, it's still not supported:(

1 comment:

Henry Wu said...

This bug is fixed in jmeter 2.3, just set the HTTP Sampler settings' Type to HTTP Request HTTPClient:)